Terms & Conditions

General terms

  1. These terms & conditions apply to any work done for the Client by MHVA Services Ltd trading as MHVA Services Ltd
  2. MHVA Services Ltd will provide service(s) as mutually agreed, confirmed in writing by the Client
  3. The work will be carried out unsupervised at such times and places as determined by MHVA Services Ltd using the Virtual Assistant’s own equipment
  4. MHVA Services Ltd confirms that there will be no claim or responsibility by the Client for income tax and National Insurance contributions, and for paying VAT (where applicable) and will not claim benefits granted to the Client’s employees
  5. Initial consultation and quotations are free and carried out by email, telephone or video call (limited to 30mins-1 hour)
  6. Work can be accepted from the Client by email, post, USB Drive or courier
  7. All work carried out will be proofread, however final proofreading of the work is the responsibility of the Client
  8. Any errors must be reported within 3 days of receipt of completed work. Errors generated by MHVA Services Ltd will be rectified in the Company’s own time and at the Company’s expense but amendments or alterations requested by the Client thereafter will be charged at the standard hourly rate
  9. MHVA Services Ltd does not accept liability or responsibility for the end use of any documents or materials produced or edited by us on behalf of the Client
  10. MHVA Services Ltd reserves the right to reject any work including with which we believe to be unlawful or immoral
  11. In the event that scheduled work is unexpectedly not possible on the proposed date (for example due to illness), MHVA Services Ltd will contact the client immediately
  12. Any annual leave will be planned and the Client notified with reasonable notice

Payment terms

  1. Payment can be made by bank transfer, card payment or direct debit
  2. Packages must be paid for in advance. Thereafter, a package will be valid for 4 weeks from the date of the signed contract. The first request for services must be made within 2 weeks of the date of the signed contract
  3. Project work (pay as you go) payments will be invoiced on completion of the work (unless deposit payments are agreed) and payment is due 14 days from the date of invoice
  4. If project work is lengthy, staged payments may be invoiced periodically
  5. Overdue invoices may result in interest charges (at the rate of 8%) for the total outstanding per month
  6. No further work will be undertaken once an invoice becomes overdue
  7. In the event of a contract being cancelled/terminated, the client agrees to pay for all the work completed up to that point
  8. A fee of £20 will be charged for any returned cheques

Work scope and changes

  1. Work scope and changes
  2. The completed work will be delivered on or before the date agreed, for the agreed fee, which will be based on the description of the work required and the brief, both supplied by the Client
  3. If, however, on receipt of the item to be worked on or at an early stage, it becomes apparent that significantly more work is required than had been anticipated in the preliminary discussion/brief, then MHVA Services Ltd may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline
  4. Similarly, if, during the term of the contract, additional tasks are requested by the Client, MHVA Services Ltd may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline
  5. An additional fee or hourly rate may be requested if a fast turnaround is required. This will be discussed and approved by the Client before any work is undertaken
  6. Should ongoing project work be suspended or delayed through any default of the Client, MHVA Services Ltd shall be entitled to immediate payment for work already carried out and expenses incurred

Confidentiality & rights

  1. Any content created by the MHVA Services Ltd as part of a copy-editing/proofreading/project management process will become the copyright of the Client, unless otherwise agreed
  2. The nature and content of the work will be kept confidential and not made known to anyone other than the Client and its contractors without prior written permission. If required the Client’s confidentiality agreement can be signed
  3. Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR, the Client and MHVA Services Ltd may keep on record such information (e.g. contact details) as is necessary. Either may view the other’s records to ensure that they are relevant, correct and up to date
  4. Information concerning dispute resolution is contained in the Virtual Assistant Agreement, including communication on recourse options before litigation
  5. This agreement is subject to the laws of England and Wales and both MHVA Services Ltd and the Client agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts